Benefic & Malefic Planets For Leo Ascendant.

                              Leo Ascendant Birth Chart:-
The Ascendant or Rising sign is the name given to the  sign on the
eastern horizon during the time of  the Birth of an individual.
Having a Leo Ascendant means that during your birth, the sign of 
Leo  was rising from above the ground, the same way that the Sun
rises. People who have Leo as their rising sign, have the Sun as 
their overall chart ruler.                                                             House Lords Of Leo Ascendant:-
1st house is Leo rashi and lord is Sun. So sun is your lagan lord.
2nd house is Virgo rashi and lord is Mercury.
3rd house is Libra rashi and lord is Venus.
4th house is Scorpion rashi and lord is Mars.
5th house is Sagittarius rashi and lord is Jupiter.
6th house is Capricorn rashi and lord is Saturn.
7th house is Aquarius rashi and lord is Saturn.
8th house is Pisces rashi and lord is Jupiter.
9th house is Aries rashi and lord is Mars.
10th house is Taurus and lord is Venus.
11th house is Gemini rashi and lord is Mercury.
12th house is Cancer rashi and lord is Moon.
Benefic Planets For Leo Ascendant:-
Mars- Mars is lord of 4th house (Kendradipati Dosh) so benefic
and lord of 9th house most benefic Trikona (Trine) So benefic. So
mars is most benefic for leo ascendant. Again as lordship of both
Kona or Trine (Lakshmi sthan ) and Kendra (Vishnu sthan). So 
Mars is a Yogakarak planet for Leo Ascendant.
Sun- is lagan lord so sun is benefic for leo.

Malefic Planets For Leo Ascendant:-
Mercury- Mercury is lord of 2nd and 111th house so it is malefic
for leo ascendant.
Venus- Venus is lord of 3rd (dussthan) and lord of 10th house 
(Kendradipati dosh) so it is malefic for leo ascendant.

Neutral Planets For Leo Ascendant :-
Jupiter- Jupiter is lord of 5th house (benefic) and lord of 8th house
(malefic) So it is consider neutral for leo ascendant.
Moon- Moon is lord of 12th house so it is neutral.
Saturn- Saturn is the lord of 6th house (malefic) and 7th house
(kendradipati dosh) benefic so it is neutral for leo ascendant. 

  Marak Planets For Leo Ascendant:-
Marak house is 2nd and 7th so lord of this house is Markesh .So
mercury and saturn are marak for leo ascendant.

Body Construction Of Leo Ascendant People:-
Body construction depend upon 1st house. 1st house is leo rashi 
and lord is sun. So their physical constitution are according to 
natural significant of leo sign and sun . So generally they are 
tall  in height. Their face is egg shape. They have magnetic face
(due to leo and sun significant).They are attracting( it is because 2nd house which is belong to face and for leo ascendant virgo 
sign is falling in 2nd house). So they are appearing between 
crowd (due to their magnetic attraction). They are strong in 
physical constitution.
Health- Leo and Sun both are fiery in nature. So leo ascendant 
body have excess fire element (means Agni tatva). So they are 
suffering from pitta dosh.

Mentality, Behavior and Nature Of Leo Ascendant:-
Leo is King of planet so generally leo native may be interested  
to serve like king. They are independent like from brain(1st house  which is belong to brain and leo effect on brain ) so don't believe
in pressurized but believe to pressurized other.
For leo ascendant 4th house is scorpion sign so acc to scorpion 
quality their mind have hidden quality means a lot of problem
generated in their mind. Leo ascendant has a lot of hidden desires
in their mind.5th house is sagittarius sign for leo ascendant so they
are religious by nature. Kindness, Nobility , Forgiveness is other
mental behavior of leo native (this is due to sagittrius natural 
significant). Apart from this they have inclined to money making
from mind. This tends to leo native to enjoying striking life (leo
and sagittarius quality). 
4th house scorpion impact and 1st house leo impact makes leo 
native to selfish ( natural sun and leo quality and scorpion in 4th
house which belongs to brain and which lord is sun who represnets
modern attitude).
5th house sagittarius is dual sign which indicating they have dual 
mentality but 1st house is fixed sign so they are not much flexible.
Means they are adjustable but don't changeable mentality. Means
they are not following natural rules of others (means they make 
their rule own self due to king quality of leo).Leo native is lazy 
from mentality (because mentality is belong to 5th house and 
sagittarius  shows laziness and leo own self lazy).But they are ill
by temper (because 4th house belong to mind and mind have 
scorpion effect,  1st house belong to brain and it have leo effect of
fire sign, 5th house  belong to mentality and it is also fiery sign .
They shows this effect only when anybody disturbed  him. In 
general they are cool minded native.They are good in speech (virgo
effect on 2nd house) and communication ( practical and balance 
approach Libra effect on 3rd house). They loves music, arts and
history (scorpion effect on 4th house which belong to mind and
watery sign quality).



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