How To Judge a Horoscope.

                 North Indian Style Chart.

What is an Astrology Chart?
The Birth Chart Expained.
They say human beings don't come with an instruction manual.
We beg to differ! Your astrology chart holds the key to your 
personality and path.

An astrology birth chart-also called an astrology natal chart-is
a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the
Sun (from our vantage point on earth) at the exact moment you
were born.An astrology chart reading can reveal your Strenghts
and weaknesses, your oppourtunities for soul growth, the best
timing for your most important moves.

To calculate your astrology birth chart, you'll need your time, date
and place of birth.
Without the birth time, you won't be able to accurately learn
your rising sign, or ascendant.Nor will you correctly know which
houses the planets in your chart fall in.

How To Read Your Vedic Birth Chart.
Identify Your Rising Sign.
Using the north indian style diagram  at right, notice where the 
first house is in your own chart.
this is also where your Rising sign is located. The number in 
the first house indicates your rising sign. 

What is your rising sign?

Aries is a number 1.
Taurus is a number2.
Gemini is a number3.
Cancer is a number4.
Leo is a number5.
Virgo is a number6.
Libra is a numbe7.
Scorpio is a number8.
Saggitarious is a number9.
Capricon is a number10.
Gemini is a number11.
Pisces is a number12. 

 After calculating your rising sign .
 Find your Sun and Moon sign.
                                                        Aries Ascendant Birth Chart
In this chart Moon is in 11 house and sun is situated in 12 house.
Now that you have identified the houses that your Sun and Moon
are in. Remember the number in each house indicate the signs.
In this Aries ascendant chart Moon is placed in 11 house in Gemini
Sign and Sun is placed in 12th house in Pisces sign.

Now Identify all Nine Planets in your birth chart.
Use the common method  to identify the nine planets. What houses
are they in?
There are total nine planets in astrology.
1-Surya (Ravi), the Sun.
2-Chandra (soma), the Moon.
3-Mangala (Mangal),Mars.
4-Budha (Budh),Mercury.
5-Guru (Brihaspati),Jupiter.
6-Shukra, Venus.
7-Shani, Saturn.
Rahu and Ketu do not have physical existence.


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